Just God-The Surprising Means of God's Mercy
A storm is beautiful. But a terrible storm is frightening, especially when you are in the middle of it.
The forecast calls for a high and stormy gale, warning us of winds aloft to wisp away our joy, and waves beneath to crush our hopes and dreams. The gathering tempest threatens, and hardship is but an hour away. The hurling wind of bad news sends us downward into sorrow and fear. The thunderclaps remind us of the impending danger of the next wrong decision. The crashing waves of unemployment and unending debt can drown us in the deep end of despair. Like waiting for a hurricane to arrive on the shore, the anticipation of the tests results can overwhelm us with unspeakable anxiety. Pressures rise like blood, as the dark clouds of life choices surround us on all sides, hemming us in from our next escape. Temperatures collide like atoms, creating unstable conditions for the creatures of the earth and the tissues of our body.
The rains fall, and stop falling, and fall again, and stop again, and the office atmosphere is bleak and routine and unrewarding. Under the gloom of unappreciated work, the overcast days are long and dreary, leaving us restless and tired with no hope for respite and true recreation. And finally, through the fog of our stupor, a strange voice says, “What do you mean, you sleeper? Arise and call out to your god!”
Sometimes the Lord shields us from the storm. Other times He sends it our way, so that He may wake us up from our slumber with fresh eyes to see the blessings of His mercy and grace anew. Such was the case for Jonah. There is mercy deep inside our storms, if only we may believe that all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.