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A Solemn Trust

This week we citizens have the privilege and responsibility to exercise what Samuel Adams penned in 1781 as “one of the most solemn trusts in human society.” I am referring to the “solemn trust” of offering our vote in the free elections of our governing authorities.

As we approach this election week in our country, let us be in prayer for God’s mercy, protection, provision and blessing. As we render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, let us exercise our right to have our voice heard by being informed, engaged, and involved. But let us also not forget that Jesus’ answer to the question of paying taxes included a proper allegiance to one far greater than Rome’s potentate. In his own subversive way, Jesus upheld the role of government while at the same time rendering unto God what is God’s. In as much as Jesus paid homage to the governing authorities, what was even more amazing was how his answer relegated earthly power to its proper place. Jesus acknowledged the rightful place of government, and then moved on. He told them to take responsibility, and then he changed the subject, reminding them and us that our rulers are but a small part of the broader canvas of the Kingdom of God. To pay attention to our public officials and to our politics in an unhealthy, obsessive manner is to make them more than they are and to elevate them to masters, rather than the servants they are elected (and appointed) to be. In other words, there are times when the most pointed political statement imaginable is to talk about something else—something of greater importance and eternal impact.

Even as we participate as citizens this week, let us not forget that we also have a citizenship in another land, where the true King is alive and seated on the throne, worthy of our allegiance and praise—an even more solemn trust in all of human society!
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